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Global Warming

The History of the Study of Global Warming

A basic look at how climate scientists infer that man-made carbon gases are changing the climate, and how this view is contradicted by other climate scientists who are skeptics.
The creator of these videos (potholer54)  former science correspondent with “an interest in reporting the facts, not the media hype”. 

Uploaded on Sep 21, 2008

A basic look at how climate scientists infer that man-made carbon gases are changing the climate, and how this view is contradicted by other climate scientists who are skeptics.
I (potholer54), am a former science correspondent with an interest in reporting the facts, not the media hype. My thanks to 9thgate for checking my script for errors.
Please note that the animation of a photon striking a carbon atom is not meant to be visually correct, it is simply an illustration of CO2 absorbing energy and re-emitting it at a different wavelength. Given the limitations I have in making animations I could not spend an inordinate amount of time making a visually “correct” image of a photon striking an electron which moves into a different orbital plane, and even if I tried it would never be visually correct because on a quantum scale such an illustration is impossible. But thanks to all those who wrote in. The narration that accompanies the illustration is correct.

1. Climate Change — the scientific debate

2. Climate Change — the objections

3 – Climate Change — Anatomy of a myth

4 – Climate Change — Gore vs. Durkin

5. Climate Change — isn’t it natural?

6. Climate Change — Those hacked e-mails

7. Climate Change – “Those” e-mails and science censorship

11. Climate Change — Hurricanes, atolls and coral


Monckton Bunkum Part 1 – Global cooling and melting ice