To everyone concerned about securing a sustainable future for humanity. Every day we are bombarded with messages from politicians, business people and media commentators telling us that everything will be okay as long as we continue to grow. However, an increasing number of people are starting to realise that the opposite is true ie. as long as we continue to grow, everything will NOT be okay. Even mainstream economic observers like Ross Gittins are expressing alarm about the planetary stresses caused by our misguided determination to solve every situation with more growth. The first step in addressing this dilemma is to realise we have a problem and start talking about it. This free public forum will give you the chance to listen to three influential and thought-provoking speakers on the topic and also provide opportunity for you to ask questions and/or add your own observations. It follows the AGM of “Sustainable Population Australian” (9.30am). The programme is as follows: “It’s time for a reality check”.At 11am Julian Cribb will explain the reasons why we are facing future famine. Julian, one of Australia’s foremost science communicators, has 32 awards for journalism and has authored and edited eight books including The Coming Famine. ( At 1:30pm Dr Graham Turner will introduce his paper comparing scenarios presented in the infamous book “Limits to Growth” with thirty years of reality. Graham is a CSIRO physicist. ( At 3:15 Professor Dexter Dunphy will lead a discussion on corporate change programs aiming for sustainability. Dexter is a leading authority on corporate sustainability, and supporter of sustainability initiatives within the University of Technology Sydney and other organisations. He is Emeritus Professor in the School of Management at University of Technology Sydney. |
The venue: University of Technology Sydney, Haymarket Campus, lecture room 31. Directions: From north end of Quay St: Block C, gnd flr, down corridor, turn right, on right; or Block D and through courtyard and sliding door, turn right, on right. Refreshments will be provided. Organised by: Sustainable Population Australia. More information email |
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