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About Us

SJ Around the Bay

SJ Around the Bay is a website that links people and communities inspired by the Gospel and the Social and Environmental Teachings of the Christian Church, in the area around Broken Bay, people who share a commitment to developing collaborative activities to promote a just society, address social inequality and achieve a sustainable life style, particularly through solidarity in the political sphere.

“A just society must be the achievement of politics, not of the Church. …. The direct duty to work for a just ordering of society, on the other hand, is proper to the lay faithful. As citizens of the State, they are called to take part in public life in a personal capacity.”

Deus Caritas Est – Pope Benedict XVI, 2005

This site aims to :

1. Coordinate local action on initiatives promoting social justice in local, national and international spheres

2. Be a noticeboard promoting events and meetings in the Broken Bay area,

3. Be a point of contact for those who wish to act with others in support of the poor, oppressed, victims of structural injustice, a simpler life style, human rights and care for the environment

4. Offer background information and links to related information

The SJ Around the Bay community welcomes all who would like to join in this effort.


Political views, opinions and analyses on this website are the responsibility of the individual editors and can not be taken as the views of anyone else. They certainly can not and must not be taken as the view of the Catholic Church unless otherwise indicated.

Individual views may be expressed by others on this website. The views of those individuals can not be taken as the views of the coordinators of the website or the views of the Catholic Church, nor can the presence of such views on the website be seen as an endorsement by the coordinators of the website.

Links made to other websites from SJ Around the Bay can not be taken as an endorsement of all points of view expressed on those websites.
